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Assisting the vision impaired now and into the future


“It is estimated that there are approximately 380,000 people currently living in Australia with legal blindness or low vision. This number is expected to double in the next 20 years, as a result of the ageing population.” Source: Vision Australia Foundation.

Aids for the Vision Impaired.

Incorporating aids for the vision impaired in all indoor and outdoor construction is not only good practice, but it has become mandatory in all Public Access Disability Standards and the National Construction Code (NCC), formally known as the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Guardian Tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) are used to warn people who are blind or vision impaired that they are approaching a hazardous situation. It may be a street crossing, set of stairs, a train platform edge, or an overhead obstruction that they can injure themselves on.

The TGSIs are designed so that they may be read either tactually underfoot; through the tip of a long cane, or visually because of a high luminance contrast – which means that the colour of the TGSIs stands out compared to the surrounding floor/ground surface.

Working with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

The Guardian Tactile System was approved on 14 February 2005 for use by VicRoads as part of its (DDA) Compliance Works Program for the declared road network throughout the State of Victoria. Also, architects, leading construction companies, government departments and over 200 councils around Australia, are among the number of organisations now utilising Guardian Tactiles in their efforts to comply with the DDA and assist people with sight deficiencies.

Specialists with a specialist focus

The manufacturers of Guardian Tactile Systems are focused on these products alone, and a dedicated advisory service is available to customers. As specialists who know and work only with this product and its application, Guardian Tactile people can give assistance and share the benefits of their wide knowledge of the product, ensuring customers achieve the best possible results.